Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators
Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators
Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators (OCXOs) are preferred quartz timing devices for applications where tight stability performance and precision are of highest priority. IQD’s portfolio of OCXOs offers options as tight as ±0.2 ppb stability.
IQD’s OCXO range includes frequencies up to 100MHz with a wide choice of package sizes, supply voltages and outputs available. We specialise in offering a customisation service to suit specific applications.
Since OCXOs provide such precise signals in extreme environmental conditions, they are used in critical applications such as radio transmitters, cell towers, satellites and telecommunications. OCXOs may also be a suitable choice for switches and routers, time and frequency references, SyncE and IEEE1588, base station, broadcasting, telecommunications, instrumentation, satellite communication, Picocell, Stratum 3, and small cells.
IQD is a global distribution partner for Rakon’s high performance crystal oscillators including OCXOs. Rakon has extensive experience in creating standard and customised Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO) solutions for the Telecommunications, Space and Defence markets.
During the manufacturing process, the resonator (quartz blank) is placed in an oven-like device that is heated to match the turning point of frequency vs. temperature. This oven shields the resonator from subsequent external temperature fluctuations offering tighter stability.
Traditionally this technology meant physically large devices with heavy power consumption, however our latest models include many options: smaller package, MTIE/TDEV testing, low jitter, phase noise and low power alternatives.
IQOV-71 – Satellite communications, transmitters, broadcasting, microwave, Picocell
IQOV-164 – Diagnostic equipment, Digital Radio Delay, time server and power grid instrumentation
For more information about any of our parts or for help with your design-in, you can contact our Sales Team, Application Support or Engineering on +44 (0) 1460 270200, or click Contact Us below to submit your enquiry.